tcpdump and httpry not capturing tcp packets
I have recently formatted my machine with Centos 7. My two interfaces are named enp3s0 and enp4s1. I have used to switch to set port mirroring on both interfaces. I have used httpry and tcpdump -i enp4s1 tcp, but they both are now working. When I run the command tcpdump -i enp4s1 -v, it shows only upd packets. However, tcp packets are not capturing. My primary motive is to capture the websites, which are browsed by the users.
I have configured enp3s0 with static ip address.
Ip Address- 172.30.*.*
Sn Mask - default
Gateway and DNS for enp4s1
Ip Addreess-
Sn Mask- Default
I have not set bridge right now. My previous machine had this, so I have just copied it. How can I capture tcp packets?