I'm running a minimal Debian (testing) installation.
I have attempted to authenticate against an active directory (which has proven successful to an extent). Most of this is documented on my personal site here:
However I get the system recognising users from the domain and all seems perfect. *Yippie* I cry out with joy...
I reboot the computer and all of a sudden no users can authenticate. I type in the username at the prompt (I'm not using X). Press enter and it asks me for my password, I type that in and.......... nothing the system just sits like that till I press ctrl+c and then it allows me to repeat the process.
I’ve had a look at some log files without any luck. Which log files do people here recommend? I’ve had a play with this for a while and am no closer to my goal. Annoyingly I made this work before and did (what I thought to be) exactly the same again but with this new side effect.
I can only authenticate on the computer (and use Linux) if I go into "single user" mode.
I'm most confused by the inconsistancy. Can anyone shed any light on this?