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Old 12-18-2005, 12:05 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
Posts: 4

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Sync Mail-folders (IMAP)

Hi everybody,

I use 2 IMAP-eMail-adresses.

And I want to use them both at work and at home.

But that isnīt the real good thing on earth, i think.

pro: every mail to me is accesable at every point on the internet.
contra: itīs a very slow connection.

Now Iīm searching for a tool/programm, that synchronises my IMAP-eMail to a local mailbox, that can easily be used by mutt and procmail.
So working with them would be very fast (cause data is stored local and has to be down-loaded just one time).
But i donīt know, how.


Baumi -at- gmx -dot- com
Old 12-19-2005, 05:55 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Florida, USA
Distribution: Mandrake, Knoppix, Yoper
Posts: 97

Rep: Reputation: 19
Rsync would work or you could...

you could use rsync to copy the mail from one account to another, you'd have to change permissions and reconstruct the mailbox, or you could use kmail or thunderbird, which both allow you to work offline.

Old 12-19-2005, 06:18 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
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not the right way

I prefer mutt as eMail Client. Some Time ago, I used Thunderbird. But that wasnīt a real good way. So I came to Mutt.
(Working in a Console isnīt that bad ;-) )

rsync would work, if I used a local server. But my IMAP-Account is somewhere in Internet. And rsync canīt be used through IMAP.
Or can u tell me a way?

One of my Accounts is at gmx. So is my server.
Now, how can I get a mirror of the mails and directories from gmx on my local system?

Old 12-19-2005, 08:03 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Florida, USA
Distribution: Mandrake, Knoppix, Yoper
Posts: 97

Rep: Reputation: 19
Rsync without Imap

Do you have the option/rights to run rsync to copy the user mailbox across the Internet? Afaik, rsync and imap haven't been integrated in any mail client, but it sounds "doable", but above my level.

The only other "easy" way is to use pop and leave a copy of messages on the server. I run a pop and imap client on a single mailbox, I use the pop account to archive my inbox periodically, but it may be a quick and dirty solution to your current problem.

Old 12-20-2005, 05:40 AM   #5
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: London, UK
Distribution: Fedora
Posts: 161

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Another alternative:

I use fetchmail to periodically retrieve my e-mail from a number of internet mailboxes and redeliver/redirect them to local mailboxes after de-spamming and scanning. I can access them remotely and securely via HTTPS using Apache with squirrelmail.

With this you could even set up a separate mailbox with your provider and deliver an extra copy of each e-mail to it with procmail to avoid setting up a local server.


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