I couldn't find anything already posted on this thread to help me out so I figured I would start a new thread.
2.4.9-ac4 SMP kernal (RedHate 7.1)
samba 2.2.2
These are the changes I made to the system.
1.) Compiled and installed the source (which installs swat as well correct?)
2.) Added this line to my /etc/services file
swat 901/tcp # Samba Web Administration Tool
3.) I am running xinetd not inetd so I had to make a file in the /etc/xinetd.d directory called "swat". In that file I put,..
service swat
port = 901
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/local/samba/bin/swat
log_on_failure += USERID
disable = no
1.) /sbin/chkconfig --list - xinetd list swat as being on
2.) netstat lists swat as listening
tcp 0 0 *:swat *:* LISTEN
http://localhost:901 does not work. Just an general error message.
4.) No firewalling is on.
I hope I have supplied enough information for someone to help. I am really lost on this one fellas.
TIA - Jase