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Old 09-29-2005, 03:58 PM   #1
Bill Geddes
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
Distribution: debian, ubuntu, redhat
Posts: 1

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stubborn NFS problem

I have built 3 linux machines - each with identical hardware, listed below.
AMD dual opteron CPU, SuperMicro MB, 16Gb RAM, SATA (Intel controller) disks, 2 Gbit nics (tg3 driver), 1 100Mbit nic (e100), 1u packaging.

`uname -a`
Linux clonehost2 2.4.21-32.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Apr 15 21:03:28 EDT 2005 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I built one machine with RedHat 3 AS 64bit linux. I then used dd to clone
that disk to the other two disks. Thus, each machine started life as a
clone of the first. We assign static IP addresses, so each machine had
to be made unique. We are using NIS to authenticate logins and to push
automounter maps. Home directories and other files are managed via a fileserver and are served up via automounter - one map for Home directories, everything else from other automounter map files.

2 of these machines work just fine. The other one cannot get its HOME
directories but automounter does its job fine for the other locations. I have
tried to manually mount the directory that has Home directories from the
fileserver, but I get a permission denied error on the client side.

When I start the autofs service, the local /var/log/messages file shows:
Sep 29 13:41:34 clonehost2 autofs: automount startup succeeded
Sep 29 13:41:34 clonehost2 automount[10732]: failed to load map, exiting

- automount processes are all running, but
On the server side, I get ' rpc.mountd: getfh failed: Operation not permitted'.

Here's the output of `ypcat -k auto.master`
/cstc/File_Access auto.file_access
/auto/bitsrus auto.bitsrus
/nfs auto.hosts

and `ypcat -k`
bfs_homes -rw,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14 bfs:/vol3/cstc_homes

Any attempt to mount this directory FROM THIS MACHINE results in failure.

automount --version returns:
Linux automount version 4.1.3-130

This fileserver has been in production for years, and in use 24x7x36N. Playing
with the exports on that machine is out of the question, and should be irrelevant given that the sibling machines and 100+ other machines work fine getting mount point from this fileserver.

This problem has led me to re-install nfs, automounter, and other packages on the affected machine. No progress. I've switched network interfaces (eth1, eth2), but no change. I've cleared arp caches, changed IP addresses, and I still cannot figure this out. Any help would be appreciated.


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