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Old 04-05-2002, 10:06 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Off the coast of Madadascar
Posts: 498

Rep: Reputation: 30
SSH tunnel?

I want to create an SSH tunnel to another host. I am almost sure I can make a SSH session out, but I haven't tried it yet. What I want to know is how would I make a SSH tunnel to another computer in order to transport HTTP over it.

correct if this command is correct to create an SSH tunnel to host FORD that has a local port listening on 3000

ssh -L 3000:FORD:22

Also would this only allow me to communicate with host FORD or would it forward to any webserver I needed. I know this may be a little confusing so please help if you can.
Old 04-08-2002, 10:24 PM   #2
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i can't exactly help you but I am looking to do something similar soon. I was wondering why you wanted to do an SSH tunnel instead of something tunneled everything. Now I am not sure about most of this tunneling stuff yet so I am a bit confused on it all. If you know of any good places to look I would be greatly appreciated.
Old 04-09-2002, 07:57 AM   #3
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Re: SSH tunnel?

Originally posted by tarballedtux
()correct if this command is correct to create an SSH tunnel to host FORD that has a local port listening on 3000

ssh -L 3000:FORD:22


Also would this only allow me to communicate with host FORD or would it forward to any webserver I needed.
Only FORD, cuz you have to tunnel to a specific address. Some examples here. Btw, you need to make sure Sshd runs on FORD and you have a valid account there.

*OT1, but another fine piece of work to achieve encrypted port fwd'ing, when both hosts aren't running ssh (but you got an account on both) is stunnel which uses SSL.
*OT2, if this really was about firewall piercing & proxying out to other servers you should rephrase your question :-]

HTH somehow.
Old 04-09-2002, 04:52 PM   #4
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Off the coast of Madadascar
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This about proxy penetration, I trying to see if it is possible to do. I am here to test the districts policies for the internet connection. and ssh tunneling seems easy to do even for the slightly intelligent.


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