SSH Login - Bypass public Key check (temp disable passwordless login)
I've search until I'm 'blue in the fingers'..
There is a lot of info on generating a key pair, uploading, configuring hosts etc.. But...
Here is my situation.
1) I have both id_dsa and id_rsa keys. Use one for GitHub other for Launchapd.
2) I can Login to them just fine, having copied my pub_key there.
3) the Problem is I also have a 'Reseller' (shared) web server at HostGator and I do not have root access on it.
4) Therefore, I can Not scp, or ssh-copy-id my Public Key to the Server's /.ssh/Autorize-whatever.
5) When I try and SSH into one of my Domains at HG, I am being Rejected, I assume because My KEY Does NOT match my 'cpanel' login user name (cpanel user is the same user, used for HG SSH login ('jailshell'))
6) If I temporarily re-name my ~/$HOME/.ssh directory to dot.ssh I can Login to my domain via SSH just fine.
7) the Question: How do I Bypass Key uses?
ie, How do I login as a plain user from console as if I did not have a private/public key?
8) There Has to be a way, because not all server have Key login or what if I just want to login to a clients server, just once to take a look around for them... I would Not want to go through the whole key generation, copy (upload) key routine... Right? !
9) This 'server' is mine, has been for 2 years and will remain 'mine' for the foreseeable future, so having a key would work and I would create a ~/.ssh/config file defining what key / login / server , but Again, I can Not copy the key to the 'shared' server.
10) # ssh -(NoKey_option_or_something) -p xxxx ?????? some command line option to bypass key check and Just use the information provided in this login line, for this session. ????
Thank You in advance,