Hi genius,
I am trying to set up a Squid service with LDAP auth. All tests are passed, but I find I cannot get it work if the user name passed to the auth helper contains a space.
Here is a example:
/usr/lib64/squid/basic_ldap_auth -R -D "scan@apac.tld" -W /etc/squid/adpw -b "dc=apac,dc=tld" -f "sAMAccountName=%s" x.x.x.x
scan password
name surname password
ERR Success
I've also tried:
name\ surname password
"name surname" password
"name surname" "password"
'name surname' password
'name surname' 'password'
But none of them work!
Do you have any idea to pass user name containing a space to the squid auth helper?
Many thanks!