Speedstream 3060 PCI modem under SuSE 9.2 with PPoA - How?
So I installed SuSE 9.2 few days ago. Looks great, but I cannot establish Internet connexion. After surfing the Internet under old good WinXP I did not manage to find any specific solution, although the supply of various HOWTOs is abundant. However:
1. Most of solutions are for PPPoE, not PPPoA
2. Those for PPPoA are for 2.4 kernel, not 2.6 which SuSE 9.2 apparently has
3. All those solutions look like for real experts (sort of Linux top dogs)
Saying that I just want to explain one point: I've just installed Linux and happy to learn few things about it. But to do it I need Internet, but it looks like I need to learn a lot to make it work... So it's a sort of vicious circle...
Anyway, can you help me with establishing internet connexion?