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Old 11-24-2001, 04:37 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question Smoothwall and a pair of 3c509B-TPO cards

I am trying to install smoothwall and an running into a problem when I get to the network card detection. I have a pair of 3c509Bs installed in a 486 that was setup and working with LRP.
I am fairly new to this aspect of configuration and need help telling the system manually what type of cards I have.

According to the documentation I should enter something like this:
3c509 io=0x300 irq=10

But that doesn't work. I am sure that I am missing something since a search on 3c509B turned up quite a few things. Any and all help is appreciated.

Eric Garica
Old 11-24-2001, 11:19 PM   #2
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There is a windows utility for programing the 3 com cards, without knowing how they are programed it will be hard if not impossible to get them to work, I guess they are ISA which means they have to be configured with different irq's and memory addresses.

They also have a pnp feature that you may want to turn off if you are setting them to a certain irq.
Old 11-27-2001, 11:12 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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3com 509 and SmoothWall

I have used the 3c509b cards with Smoothwall. They must be configured as non-PnP using the 3c5x9cfg.exe utility available from 3com. The utility runs under DOS so a DOS boot floppy comes in handy. A Windows Emergency Boot floppy will work.

I have used the Autoconfigure option in the utility. It typically sets one card to IRQ 10, address 0x300 and the other to IRQ 11, address 0x210.

I then use the CMOS setup to flag IRQ 10 and IRQ 11 as "ISA Legacy".

Once the above is properly set, Smoothwall should install without a hitch.


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