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jakublgz 12-03-2002 01:33 PM

smbd/nmbd work fine, cant write to a share
Hello. I've just installed new samba 2.2.7 . It compiled just fine and it works perfectly. I also added a new drive to my server.
I am trying to share a folder on it . I mounted it using :
mount /dev/hdc5 /mnt/data/mp3. Worked just fine. (file system used is fat32).
Part of smb.conf file defining shared folder is :

comment = FtpFiles
path = /mnt/data/mp3
writable = yes
write list = jakublgz

browseable = yes
read only = No
valid users = jakublgz
invalid users = root bin daemon nobody named sys tty disk mem kmem,
also I've changed chmod of mp3:
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 32768 Dec 2 16:44 mp3
When tried to write to it beeing loged in ftom windows as user jakublgz I was getting the following error:
Unable to write.
If anyone have a clue what am I doing wrong please let me know. Thank you.


michaelk 12-04-2002 07:24 PM

jakublgz doesn't have permissions to write to /mp3. Add/modify line in fstab
/dev/hdb5 /mnt/data/mp3 vfat user,auto,umask=0 0 0

also umount hdb5 and verify you have write permissions on the /mnt/data/mp3 directory.

jakublgz 12-05-2002 08:19 PM

Thanx a lot for explanations. I will folow your hints.

Ciccio 12-05-2002 10:34 PM

It's wrong. the mode I mean.

You should chown the folder to your user. That should work.

It must look something like this.
drwxr-xr-x 2 jakublgz jakublgz 32768 Dec 2 16:44 mp3

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