Simplest way of using a network printer
Hi folks. I hope this is the correct sub-forum. Mods/admins feel free to move if you want to! There is a 'topic' similar, but from 2005, and with only one response. I have a PC running openSuse. The family use a MSWin8.1 box in another room. There is a printer attached via USB to the Win box. I would like to be able to send jobs to the printer. I do not need full networking, I use a dropbox for any files I need to share. Both computers are attached to the router with wired ethernet.
What is the simplest way to arrange this?
Potential hiccups, the printer is an all-in-one jobbie. And a Lexmark. BUT I do not need fax/copy/scan capabilities, I can just go down and do that there. Even if I have to use a generic BW driver, would be sufficient! Any pointers gratefully received.