sharing my internet connection
hi i have just just got a modem that works with linux. it connects via ethernet and works fine on the computer it is connected to. the computer it is connected to has 2 network ports one for the modem and the other for the network. i am using this machine now so its working fine on the internet and it works fine one the network too. however i dont know how th share the internet connection with other machines on the network! i am using this on suse 9.1 and i think i hav to change some of the routing setting but i am not sure which ones.
i would be very greatfull for any help.
the network card connected to the modem is configured by dhcp and the connection to the network hase the ip address as device eth0 and the network connection is eth1
also iptables realy confuses me but i need to rout all incoming trafic on eth0 through eth1 to
thanks for any help
Last edited by berrance; 02-25-2005 at 06:24 AM.