Sharing a NFS share off of another NFS server
Hi, I currently am trying to share a directory via NFS containing jumpstart files required to jumpstart Solaris machines on our network. However, I am getting the following error:
"share_nfs: Cannot share remote filesystem: /export/jumpstart"
I am currently mounting the /export/jumpstart directory off of a NetAPP SAN's. I am doing this because we do not have enough space on the local drive to host all the flash archive images. Therefore I am essentially mouting a share of a SANS and then also trying to "share" this mount point by becoming a NFS server to other clients. Can this be done?
Here is my vfstab what I am mounting from the SANS.
netapp:/vol/jumpstart - /export/jumpstart nfs - yes rw
Here is my dfstab what I am trying to share out to my jumpstart clients.
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/jumpstart
Thank you for your help