Shaper to MRTG graphics ? How?
Hi guys,
I'm new to TC HTB traffic shaping....
I installed it at my first try on my Bearing Leaf Router/Firewall
I use the tc -s class show dev eth? To see my output
All looks dandy and nice, but it's figures, of which at current momment
looks like French to me,
I would like to see exactly what these figures looks like in a GRAPH
I know I can use MRTG, I do have some litte expience in it..
But I need to figure out, what will be THE TARGET to caputre to output
via the VARIOIUS class from HTB....
If Mrtg, is not the best tool for this...can some one tell me of
something very simple, not to much programming language to see, my
output in a graph style..
What would be also very nice, if some on has a config file for MRTG or
what every other tool propose, if they can e-mail it to me, for me to
atleast get an ideal, how to build up the TARGET that should be