Would be helpful if you said what distro you are using or plan to use.
But here go the basics:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/SERVICENAME restart, reload,stop,start #redhat, mandrake
/etc/rc.d/rc.SEVICENAME restart, reload,stop,start #slackware
to start a service automatically on reboot:
redhat: most services will have a start-up script in /etc/rc.d.rc*.d with either a K or S at the begaining of the name K for kill S for start, The boot up scripts will go through these dir and will try to start everything with a S and kill everything with a K.
Or you can use ntsysv to select what starts or doesnt in the current runlevel.
There is also a server daemon called xinetd. the config files for this are in /etc/xinetd.d . You ill have to edit these files manually.
Slackware: The startup scripts are in /etc/rc.d you can edit these files manually to select what services start and which dont, usally by uncommenting or commenting a line in the srcripts. I dont know of a tool like ntsysv, I edit the scripts manually in vi.
After you edit, just do /etc/rc.d/rc.SCRIPTNAME stop, start, reload, or restart , whatever you want to do.
I'm sure if you search on google or this forum you can find alot of info on this subject.
Last edited by hanzerik; 02-09-2002 at 06:48 PM.