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Old 09-15-2005, 07:21 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2005
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Setting up a gateway with two eth's

I am using an FC3. I have two eth's on it. eth0 : and eth1: There is a GW with to access the Internet and it is connected to my eth0. I can access the web and everything is working fine.

My problem is, I want to setup a private LAN behind my eth1 (using IP addresses, say, - everything to be on /24and same NETWORK ). I have set ON the ip forwarding. I can access the Internet from my machine and I can also ping thru both eth0 and eth1.
I have set the GW to be on the clients in my private network.
I can't ping to from my private network.

Please help me to workaround this...and I don't want to MASQUERADE at this point. And also, Is it possible to have the same network on either side of the GW?
Old 09-15-2005, 07:33 AM   #2
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Gate Ways

I'd try to have all gateways as the same IP on the local network
Also netmask.
Old 09-15-2005, 07:36 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Let me see if a got this right. Your fedorabox with the eth0 to the internet and the eth1 to the private network is connected all right and can acces the internet. Can it acces the clients on the private network? And vice versa? Sure you don't have a firewall installed?
Old 09-15-2005, 08:05 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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thanks for replying, gee help me...

That's it. U got the problem right. I can ping from my FC3 on either side. Of course using -I eth1 when pinging thru eth1. But I can't ping from my private LAN to eth1 ( And of course I have shut down the IPTABLES.

I need to add another question here...
In my FC3 is there a way to tell the applications to use which eth to use like for the ping?
Old 09-15-2005, 08:23 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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thanx for replying.

I didn't get your point.

Do u mean to use the same IP address ( and the subnet mask /24 on all the clients in the private LAN. That is obvious and I have done that already...

Please explain me if I am incorrect
Old 09-15-2005, 01:23 PM   #6
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To bad i just reformatted my server. It was set up to do just what you wanted I could have checked the config :-)

It sounds very strange that one computer can ping the other but not the other way around. It still sounds to as if it is a firewall og similar problem. If there is a connection it should work both ways unless something was actively blocking it. But I'm no expert
Old 09-15-2005, 08:08 PM   #7
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all clients Pointing to the same gateway, yes.


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