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Old 05-20-2003, 08:42 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Buffalo, NY
Distribution: Novell Linux Desktop
Posts: 159

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Setting up a dhcp server

I have a fresh install of redhat 7.1 (custom) bare min. alomst. I wanted to use this as a learning box to do everythign from strach almost. about the only things i keep was the samba so it was ez to setup and transfer files from the internet off my win2k box to the linux w/o burning cd's or using floppy's. well i want to start by setting it up as a dchp server. does anyone have a wlk through guide and/or a place to dl everything i need. sorry for being so vauge, i just don't know where to start :-) thanks alot

look out a newbie in action!!!
Old 05-21-2003, 02:38 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2001
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Re: Setting up a dhcp server

Originally posted by PlatinumRik
I have a fresh install of redhat 7.1 (custom) bare min. alomst. I wanted to use this as a learning box to do everythign from strach almost. about the only things i keep was the samba so it was ez to setup and transfer files from the internet off my win2k box to the linux w/o burning cd's or using floppy's. well i want to start by setting it up as a dchp server. does anyone have a wlk through guide and/or a place to dl everything i need. sorry for being so vauge, i just don't know where to start :-) thanks alot
Okey dokey!
Download package dhcpd (should also be on your cds, from redhat, I mean)
install the stuff with rpm -ivh dhcpd.blablabla.rpm
Once installed, you got two roads: One is the easy one (but you won't learn that much) = download webmin ( or something) and that should give you a nice frontend to configure your dhcp server.
Second road is to do a man dhcpd and read the doc on this deamon (server service).
Edit the configuration (in /etc/dhcpd.conf or something) and add some stuff like the network range (I guess that is the bare minimum)

Then do a "service dhcpd start" and you will be in business. If you get problems, you can always go look in /var/log/messages for errors when it starts. You should also be able to see in the log when a clients does look for a dhcp server (dhcp discover) and finds one (dhcp offer from the server)

Yep, I guess that is it. Need more details?
Old 05-21-2003, 09:21 AM   #3
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Kingston, Jamaica
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There have been a few vulnerabilities discovered in Samba over the last few months. I would hesitate to put it on a machine connected to the internet.

If you do, please monitor for patches.

As Linux gets more popular, it is facing increased scrutiny.

It is useful to have only one box connected to the internet. This box should have a minimum install and be locked down.

Other boxes can then access the internet via this one.

The security forum has several links to good security resources.
Old 05-22-2003, 01:32 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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dhcpd HOWTO, its pretty easy to setup:
Old 05-22-2003, 01:50 AM   #5
Registered: Dec 2001
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Smile Samba / DHCP?? ;-)

Originally posted by jamrock

There have been a few vulnerabilities discovered in Samba over the last few months. I would hesitate to put it on a machine connected to the internet.

If you do, please monitor for patches.

As Linux gets more popular, it is facing increased scrutiny.

It is useful to have only one box connected to the internet. This box should have a minimum install and be locked down.
Well Thank you. That's new to me, I will check this out and fix it immediately.

But a few questions:
1. How come you posted this samba post after the DHCP post? ;-)
2. a system protected by a firewall would not be vunerable to this bug, right? And who (that is not a windows-admin) would be daft enough to let samba be visible to the internet?

Anyway, as I said, thanks for the pointer!



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