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Old 10-19-2005, 03:26 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2003
Distribution: Fedora, Mac OSX
Posts: 362

Rep: Reputation: 30
Sendmail: Unknown error 325 with LDAP

I've been using LDAP maps and LDAP routing with sendmail for quite some time now. The version of sendmail I'm using is the RPM release for Fedora Core 3, sendmail-8.13.1-2.

The LDAP-specific portions of my file are:
FEATURE(`access_db', LDAP)dnl

When trying to recompile (need to start using -D_FFR_DEAL_WITH_ERROR_SSL) myself, I find either the original source release 8.13.1, or the current release 8.13.5 do not work properly. When running sendmail -d0.1 -bv root, I get:
/etc/mail/ line 154: ldap_init/ldap_bind failed to localhost in map R: Unknown error 325
/etc/mail/ line 154: fileclass: F{R}: map open failed
/etc/mail/ line 155: ldap_init/ldap_bind failed to localhost in map LDAPRoute: Unknown error 325
/etc/mail/ line 155: fileclass: F{LDAPRoute}: map open failed

The sendmail file built from the source package and from the RPM report the same Compiled with: data, and even leaving -D_FFR_DEAL_WITH_ERROR_SSL out and trying to build with the site.config.m4 the same way as the SRPM says it should be still results in the above errors.

The only thing I can see different is the ldd data; The source compiled version I'm trying to get working has a ldd to => /lib/ (0x00258000), while the RPM version of the sendmail binary has no link to this library. I've set up the site.config.m4 file just as the recipie in the SPECS/sendmail.spec file says it should be, but the binrary I bake up doesn't come out the same.

I could care less if it's linked against, but I need the LDAP stuff to work properly.



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