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Old 06-11-2001, 11:31 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Hello Team,

I'm not actually sure if I'm having a configuration problem or if the problems are just because I'm a newbie.

Basically I can send mail out from my system, RedHat 7.1, just fine. I use the user name of bselzler, and my host name is

When I send mail to someone it uses the return address of However when someone tries to reply to the message the mailer return's the following error;

"All relevent MX records point to non-existant hosts"

I have an mx record pointing to (I've also tried in my bind file. Additionally I have a CNAME entry for mail. Do I need some other record somewhere? Do I need an A record for mail?

I'm kind of stuck at this point so any info would be helpful. Thanks.
Old 06-12-2001, 12:11 AM   #2
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Originally posted by bselzler
Hello Team,

I'm not actually sure if I'm having a configuration problem or if the problems are just because I'm a newbie.

Basically I can send mail out from my system, RedHat 7.1, just fine. I use the user name of bselzler, and my host name is

When I send mail to someone it uses the return address of However when someone tries to reply to the message the mailer return's the following error;

"All relevent MX records point to non-existant hosts"

I have an mx record pointing to (I've also tried in my bind file. Additionally I have a CNAME entry for mail. Do I need some other record somewhere? Do I need an A record for mail?

I'm kind of stuck at this point so any info would be helpful. Thanks.
A\Is your DNS working properly and is your CNAME record duplicationg or trampling another name record? (Check logs when you start/restart/reload named)

Can they send mail to

Did your mailer select the default reply-to or your sendmail (as the MTA)

[Edited by mcleodnine on 06-12-2001 at 12:13 AM]
Old 06-12-2001, 12:36 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Unhappy Re:Sendmail Problems

>A\Is your DNS working properly and is your CNAME >record duplicationg or trampling another name >record? (Check logs when you start/restart/reload >named)

I believe its working correctly. is working. And I don't see any errors in the system log.

>Can they send mail to

No. Thats the problem. I can send mail out, but no one can send mail in.

>Did your mailer select the default reply-to or your >sendmail (as the MTA)

When people try to reply it used, which is what is used when I send mail via the command prompt from my system.

Thanks for the help.

Old 06-12-2001, 01:28 PM   #4
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Originally posted by bselzler
However when someone tries to reply to the message the mailer return's the following error;

"All relevent MX records point to non-existant hosts"
And the above error is quite correct! A lookup for your MX returns this:
which isn't valid!!!

So I recon that your records are infact not correct... It looks like your MX record points to and you haven't put a traling . so BIND has appended to the end of it. Point it to and all should be fine! (assuming sendmail is setup correctly)




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