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Old 06-04-2001, 11:49 AM   #1
Registered: May 2001
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Is there anyway in Sendmail's configuration to tell it to go through a SOCKS proxy?

Old 06-05-2001, 12:58 AM   #2
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From what Ive read I think sendmail doesnt do socks.
Normally u could try "socksifying" applications that wont/cant use socks, but it seems sendmail wont load the necessary dyn. libraries, or it would need recompiling with a static lib. Some ppl pointed to check out Dante but I dont know it.
Old 06-05-2001, 10:19 AM   #3
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Originally posted by unSpawn
From what Ive read I think sendmail doesnt do socks.
Normally u could try "socksifying" applications that wont/cant use socks, but it seems sendmail wont load the necessary dyn. libraries, or it would need recompiling with a static lib. Some ppl pointed to check out Dante but I dont know it.
Thanks again unSpawn. I was afraid of that. I'm currently using Dante to sockify. It works (even with sendmail) for about 1 message, after that Sendmail goes back to connection timing out (like it was never sockified). I think Dante would be fine, except that it's going through an MS Proxy Server (I know, I don't have a choice) and that is expermimental code in Dante.

So if they aren't going to an MS Proxy Server, then you could get away with recommending Dante as it appears to be a good, easy (I managed to set-up pretty quickly) program. I even found RPMs for Mandrake for it.

Plan B. Put a second NIC in that machine, and put it out on the Internet w/ firewall set to prevent most everything from comming in, and only allow SMTP out...


Old 06-05-2001, 05:34 PM   #4
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thnx for ure valuable feedback, btw, have u tried putting sendmail in -d(debug) mode to look for clues why it wont shake the time outs?
Old 06-05-2001, 08:13 PM   #5
Registered: May 2001
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Originally posted by unSpawn
thnx for ure valuable feedback, btw, have u tried putting sendmail in -d(debug) mode to look for clues why it wont shake the time outs?
No I hadn't. Dante crashes our MS Proxy server (Kinda fun really, but our NetAdmin has admonished me about it. ) so for that reason we really need to move to Plan B. I would have loved to have gotten working without that. It would have been a great success story and really impressed our boss. Maybe this'll still impress our boss, but who knows.

It's impressive to me... We are running this thing on a Gateway P-120 (Pentinium 133) with only 32megs of RAM. And so far it hasn't cost the company anything but my time configuring and stuff...

It would have cost us $2000 easily for just the machine to accomplish the same on an NT machine (our typical server machine). Now if I can keep this machine up and running for an 'extended' period of time....

Thanks for ALL your help.



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