Recently I've changed servers and went from postfix on the old server configuration to Exim with courier-imap. I've been very happy with it so far but I've run into a few snags.
The server setup that I'm using is exim 4.x using a mysql db for user/domain auth. I've got courier-imap using the same db for its auth as well. I can recieve mail just fine and I love using vexim for user/domain management, however I can't send mail out.
The actual error that I get is:
2005-01-23 xx:xx:xx 1Csrac-00069y-F7 User 0 set for remote_smtp transport is on the fixed_never_users list
2005-01-23 xx:xx:xx 1Csrac-00069y-F7 == R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp defer (-29): User 0 set for remote_smtp transport is on the fixed_never_users list
I can't send mail out as a local user nor through external auth with thunderbird or a similar client.
Any ideas? I can post my exim config if it'd help.
~ Nick