i can see you know the drill
can't remember properly of ether-wake, but there are programs (like wake-on-lan), which create directly the UDP magic packet
or, as you said, there are websites that allow people to send this packet
the port 9 is a standard for this use, however you can choose any which is more comfortable for you (the port number is only used by the OS, and at this state, there is no OS running yet). So in conclusion what you have to check is if your router support WOW...
mine, for example, doesn't (
) because it considers that for a packet to be forwarded, there must be a service running behind the scene, listenning to the port the packet is designed to. In the WOW case, there isn't such a service cause there isn't any software running behind the router (this is the point of Wake On Wan, after all)...so even if i can make a rule that forwards packets from port 9 to local broadcast, the router doesn't forward the packet cause it can't see any service listening to this port (dummy thing...)
good luck with yours