I have been trying to sftp and scp something from home for hours without luck. I am connecting to my ssh server which has a file available on it that I am pulling to my local machine. It takes me 15 seconds to log in via ssh using ssh keys that I have set up, but it works and I can issue commands etc... but whenever I try to pull anything, even something tiny like .bashrc it seems to stall and hang for ages.
somefile 0% 4096 0.0KB/s - stalled -
somefile 0% 4096 0.0KB/s - stalled -
somefile 0% 4096 0.0KB/s - stalled -
Nothing at all happens, the above is all I see after leaving it for half an hour trying to pull one 3-4Mb file.
I know the connection is slow, but surely it must still work if I can log in a issue commands normally etc.
Why does it keep stalling?