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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 03-16-2014, 05:43 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 82

Rep: Reputation: 15
Saving power by hibernating server.

Hey all,

So I have an idea to help save power. Currently I have a HP microserver running windows server that acts as a File and web server. Although it is cheep to run ($4.5 a month) I was thinking a fun idea would be to have it hibernate when its not in use. The server does wake with a magic packet but I want to go more automated than that. So this is where Linux can come in handy...

My thought is to use a rasp pi to be a middle man that is always running (Uses much less power than the microserver). Anyway this is where my networking skills ends. I want to use the pi as a queue, It can receive packets destined to the microserver and check if it is awake and if not send a magic packet. The whole idea is to auto wake the computer when a incoming packet is meant to go to the microserver.

Since the computer takes around 30 seconds to resume I hope to have the pi "hold" these packets until it is awake and than send those packets to the microserver once it is up again. I would hope that in this process what ever is trying to access the server would not drop the connection due to time out.

So an ideal solution would be someone tries to access a page or file from the server. It idles while the server becomes live and from there it is as if the server has been on the whole time.

Some side notes is my router (asus rt-ac68) does run a Linux kernel so I may be able to do some networking tricks there.

If anyone has any ideas if this is even remotely possible and/or what needs to happen I would like to hear.

Thanks for reading!
Old 03-19-2014, 03:40 PM   #2
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If you can write a program, it is very easy to do it.
Old 03-19-2014, 09:18 PM   #3
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The router does have some features to wake lan systems and shares and such. If it is what I think, it has usb 3.0 ports. I'd move/mirror that data to some flash drives or external drives.

Seems to me that some of the more advanced servers power down pretty far though bios features/settings and OS support. Only the lan may be up but have a buffer to allow faster resumes. Not sure adding in a pi would help a whole lot to the total energy footprint.


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