Here's my drama,
Server = Debian
Client = XP Pro
On Debian
1. # I configured apt-get
2. # apt-get install samba
3. # apt-get update
4. ran through auto-configuration
On the client
1. Locate Workgroup
2. Double click computer
- >"trogdor server (Samba 2.2.3a-14.1 for Debian) (Trogdor)"
3. Enter username/password (for a usernamed critical on linux ... not root
.... at this point I get asked for a username and password again
So basically it's pretty obvious that I don't have encrupted passwords setup properly, and it's also obvious that I'm a noob!
In simple noob language, (unlike the documentation!) what steps do I need to take?
I'd like to understand the whole process not just the solution.