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Old 11-13-2005, 09:42 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2005
Posts: 17

Rep: Reputation: 0
running my own webserver

Hello all,

I have my own domainname that I purchased from a domainname provider some time ago. Now I got my static IP and want to host my web site on my own linux box.

I have no problem setting and running apache2; but as mu domainname provider expects me to enter 2 or more "nameserver" addresses, I guess I need something to do on my machine..

I don't know about DNS. Will I need to run a DNS on my server? Will I need to register or something else for anything?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PS: I saw there are lots of tutorials covering this issue; but all of them suggests I do NOT want to get a free domain from dydns or somewhere else. I have a domain already, and want it to work my web server.


Last edited by ab44045; 11-13-2005 at 10:28 PM.
Old 11-14-2005, 02:47 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2005
Posts: 19

Rep: Reputation: 0
Which registrar are you with? If you answer then we can give you links to follow. In most, if not all, cases you don't need to run your own DNS. You use the registrar and set their name servers to point to your webserver.

There are also free DNS services that will provide DNS for you as well.
The free sites are especially useful when you don't have a static IP.

If running your own DNS is your option, try putting the same IP in for both name servers and see if the registrar rejects it. It would make more sense if two DNS were not required when there is only one server. If your server is down the traffic caused by trying to look you up would stop sooner.


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