Routing Local Packets
Hello Forum,
I would like to state a problem.
When ever I ping any interface of a PC both the request and the reply goes through
the LO interface.
Suppose I want to ping eth0 ( of a system using eth1 ( of that
same system. The packets flow internally as when I use tcpdump to look at the
interfaces I only find packets flowing through the LO interface.
The thing I want to do is to block this internal flow of packets and send any packets
that is generated locally and the destination of which is also local (the scenario
explained above) to go through some forwarding machine.
Like - when I ping eth0 of PC1 using eth1 of PC1 the request should flow to eth1 of
PC2 and from there eth0 of PC2 and then it reaches the eth0 of PC1.
So the network diagram is:
pc1 (eth0) ---------- pc2 (eth0)
pc1 (eth1) ---------- pc2 (eth1)
And Packet flow diag is:
pc1 (eth1) >>>>>>>> pc2 (eth1)
pc1 (eth0) <<<<<<<< pc2 (eth0)
The reply is not a major factor. One way communication is OK for me. It dosent matter
if I get any reply or not. But the Packets must flow in the stated manner. And this
should be the case for all packets.
Also my ARP entries are static. and there is no default route set on any pc. And no
other connections are there in any of the pcs.
I did mention this problem before - but I thought I needed it to be more clearer.
Any way - is there any special kind of alteration that has to be made in the kernel
parameters. Or this can be handled
PLS ask for any other issues that I have not made clear.
And Advance Thanks for any help.