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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
Routing, network cards, OSI, etc. Anything is fair game.


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Old 11-03-2005, 02:46 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Florida
Distribution: Red Hat 7.2/8/9, Fedora Core 1/2/3, Smoothwall, Mandrake 7.0/10, Vecter 4, Arch 0.6, EnGuarde
Posts: 289

Rep: Reputation: 30
Router/Gateway - Small Fix/Need Help...

I'm using Mandrake 10.1. I just finished compiling, scripting and installing a new wireless NIC. Using either the Mandrake GUI, or a script I created which auto-loads from rc.local, I can get the card working. Using the Mandrake GUI, I can get Internet Connection Sharing (ipmasq...) working too! But every time I reboot this god forsaken computer, ICS turns off and settings are reset! I believe the problem is due to my new wireless NIC I installed. Thus, I believe I have to create a script to set and activate ICS from rc.local. Does anyone have any templates or suggestions?

Let me update this a bit... My problem is not just mandrake ics. Though my wlan0 (ra0) will work, it will not run with dhcpd unless I re-initialize it by going through the ICS Mandrake GUI after each bootup. This means, without doing this, no wireless connections can be made.

To allow laptop to connect to Internet through Mandrake 10.1 box (target of concern).

Laptop can see wireless Nic in Mandrake 10.1 box. Laptop can connect to it (but not through ethernet level, thus consider this only as physicall connection). Laptop is not assigned IP address, and thus ethernet connectivity is not active.

Last edited by dolvmin; 11-03-2005 at 03:02 PM.
Old 11-03-2005, 06:06 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Florida
Distribution: Red Hat 7.2/8/9, Fedora Core 1/2/3, Smoothwall, Mandrake 7.0/10, Vecter 4, Arch 0.6, EnGuarde
Posts: 289

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Problem fixed.

I am now able to access my server through wireless connection after bootup.

It seems the dhcpd server was not activating for ra0 connection because ra0 was compiled, not rpm'ed into mandrake's kernel. Created the string and placed the string within my rc.local.

Now I have a new problem, but that's for a different topic so this one ends happily.


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