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Old 01-12-2014, 01:03 PM   #1
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route some dns requests through vpn?

There is a new type of service called SmartDNS:
Smart DNS is a service that unblocks regional restricted sites that do not expose their content to users from other countries. It is a simple method to access regional restricted websites from anywhere in the world using original provider’s speed, without many changes in your device. Smart DNS comes with an advantage: it offers direct access to the pre-unblocked sites with no loss of speed. So, what does Smart DNS do is: directly unblocks each site. By the way is good for you to know that we have one of the largest list of unblocked websites on the market.

The disadvantage that Smart DNS has, is the fact that it doesn’t offer privacy and anonymity while surfing the internet as VPN does. With Smart DNS your IP is not hidden. Also the VPN service is used in order to get a better personal security while being connected to a public WiFi, which is another VPN advantage.
If you need a service that will allow you to watch restricted media with your original speed or, in other words will let you to unblock regional restricted websites, then Smart DNS is the right service for you.
I understand how aclient can set this up and you need a DNS server but how do you then route some website through the VPN on the server and return the request to the client but other websites are not routed?
ie you can unblock some sites like hulu but others that don;t need unblocking like google are just passed on.
In example 1, the request goes from client to dns server to VPN to webserver & the webserver sees the client as IP in the US
in example 2, the request goes from client to dns server to webserver & the webserver sees the client as IP in France
Old 01-13-2014, 06:28 AM   #2
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Talking of bind here you can use the view statement:

Basicaly it matches on clients and uses sub directives for those matching. Once you match you have a special zone file for domains to be overriden. Those zone just return addresse within the vpn. Your route takes your packages through that vpn, the vpn to the real server and then return it. I guess a proxy is in there somewhere too.


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