I've set up a OpenVPN VPN network and it works well.
Now I need a way to get Access to the internet from inside my VPN, I know that it works with proxies that u can connect from a lokal network and access the internet.
Laptop --- VPN ----> VPN Server --- SOCK5 ---> Internet
Now i try to make it the same way, so i installed a Socks5 proxy (antinat) listening on my VPN network on the VPN Server, which has access to the internet.
Now i installed a Socks5 Proxy (currently I've choosen antinat) to access the Internet. I can connect and auth with my proxy but it isn't possible to access other networks with the proxy, I also have played with the routing features in my openvpn config, but it does not mather if i want route or only one specific subnet it don't works.
I got the question if it is possible on my way or not ?
are there alternatives to handle this?