Hello one and all!
Been 'round this forum for many, many years, but only stop in when I need to bother you fine folks because I either screw something up, something screws me up, or I want to change something which may result in me screwing up!
Ok, so here's the deal. A few years ago when I was still in school, pre-marriage and children, I had time and built a linux server. It has RedHat 8. It runs sendmail, apache/php/mysql, samba, BIND, dhcp, etc... For the most part, it's been a rock and even when things have failed I have always been able to get it working again, solely because of the help from you fine folks here at LQ. Now I try to keep up with linux just enough so that I have something resembling a clue, but God knows I am nowhere near an expert. And compared to you all, I'm a downright moron.
So, nothing's wrong, but I am making a change career-wise and this is going to impact my home network. Right now, the server is also running NAT through iptables. I haven't played with it in years, and was no iptables expert to begin with, but this is basically my router for the network so all the Windows PC's in the house can get out. I have a cable modem connected to eth0 which gets an IP from my ISP (Comcast). Fine. Then eth1 fires off DHCP addresses to my LAN, and with all this, *poof* I have a routed network. Yipee!
I am starting on a Cisco path for my company that will begin with me getting a CCNA and eventually a CCVP as I will be taking over VoiP. Now in order to study, practice, and learn I am buying two switches and a router; all Cisco. Now while I won't be hooking any of that up to my home network immediately (I gotta learn SOMETHING first), when I do put the Cisco router on my network, I obviously won't be using my server as a router anymore. It will be behind the router like all the other PC's in the house.
So my first questions are that when I do this, is all I'll have to do on the server turn off NAT routing (stop iptables), stop DHCP, remove eth1 and set etho with a static IP address? How will this affect Apache, DNS, etc for my personally hosted website? E-mail?
Basically, what are the implications?
Thanks, everyone, in advance for your help!