I have used MS OS for years from 3.x to NT4 and am able to get all the things done easily that I need to do. I must admit that Linux is a greater challenge than I ever anticipated. I don’t understand the lingo at all and the threads that I have been reading seem to be upset (at first) with the FA311 NIC and someone suggests a solution to them and all is well again. Well I wish it made since to be but frankly I am a lost ball in high weeds.
I bought the Linux Red Hat 7.1 Bible and the Idiots guide to Linux (Caldera), I have tried to follow the steps in both books to the tee and have had no success in getting my NIC loaded I have a network in my home with 5 PC connected One 30 GB server all playing nicely, I also have a DHCP server on my LAN.
I openly admit my ignorance and beg for help from someone with experience with RH7.1. The drivers from the NetGear manufactured give me a host of errors when I follow their instructions so I went to their web page and downloaded the version that will run with RH 7.1 now it tells me that I have a wrong kernal version, What is that and How do I change it to the right one? It says I need 2.2.14-5.0 I can’t find that anywhere. Please I need Idiots lingo HELP setting up my FA311 card