RH and Compaq NIC SNMP
Having a problem w/ SNMP incorrectly(?) reporting my ML350s w/ 3163 Nics is at 10 Half while my switch (cisco 2626) is forced to 100 full and I installed the e100 module and it comes up saying 100 Full (added the e100_speed_duplex=4 when installed the mod).
Snmp reports for Insight manager and MRTG that the card is at 10 half on some servers and 10 full on others.
I'm getting 0 collisions and throughput on ftps and nfs mounts is awesome.
All netstats are A-OK.
Is this just a bug in the recompiled SMNP w/ compaq agents or what? Compaq tech support tells me there is no bug and I must be at 10 half, but I don't think so.
I would pay attention, but my boss reads MRTG wants answers on why I haven't set the cards to 100 full.