Hi guys!
I correctly installed my qmail mail server (thanks qmailrocks!!!).
Everything works fine, but I have a problem:
when i try to send a message to
from any account (of the same domain or from another domain, such as hotmail.com) that message seems to be correctly delivered (no error message is generated) but that message is not present in
postmaster@mydomain.net account.
I have correctly put
postmaster@mydomain.net in file .qmail-root (in /var/qmail/alias) and chmod 644 this file.
I think my aliases are not working, but why do they receive e-mail messages?
(i have not created REAL account for root!!!)
Anybody can help me?
Thanks in advance!
P.S: I also noticed that if
someone@mydomain.com sends a message to a NON-existing mail account of the same domain there is NO notification that that account doesn't exixst in mydomain.com.
Is that correct?
Is it for spam protection?
Is that message simply discarded?