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Old 08-04-2013, 12:48 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2008
Location: High Dry Plains of Colorado
Posts: 14

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Pulseaudio errors after relocating home to NFS

I've relocated my home to a diff machine using NFS on my small home network (this issue involves two machines both running UbuntuStudio 12.04 LTS). Everything seems fine except Pulseaudio. I'm getting these errors:

[edit 1] This is the output from the volume control:

"Connection to PulseAudio failed. Automatic retry in 5s

In this case this is likely because PULSE_SERVER in the Environment/X11 Root Window Properties or default-server in client.conf is misconfigured.
This situation can also arrise [sic] when PulseAudio crased and left stale details in the X11 Root Window.
If this is the case, then PulseAudio shoudl autospawn again, or if this is not configured you should run start-pulseaudio-x11 manually."

When I run "start-pulseaudio-x11" this is the output: [end edit 1]

E: [autospawn] core-util.c: Home directory /home/shawn not ours.
W: [autospawn] lock-autospawn.c: Cannot access autospawn lock.
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Failed to acquire autospawn lock

I believe it may be related to permissions/users, etc but I'm at a loss. Anyone, pls?


nfs, pulseaudio

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