Protocol Performance Measurement
I want to measure the performance of various vpn protocols. This is my testbed :
Host 1 Virtual Tunnel Host 2 -------------
Two linux machines, using private addresses. I generated data traffic between Host 1 and Host 2 using a p2p software. In this scenario, How do i measure the performance of a protocol..for e.g IPSec..based on what network parameters?
1) Throughput - ?????
2) Bandwidth - ??????
3) CPU Utilisation - Top command
4) Memory Utilisation - Top command
How do i measure througput? How do i measure bandwidth?
I tried 'top' for CPU and Mem Util, but the VPN daemons hardly utilised CPU or Mem.
I tried Iptraf, but this software only gives the outgoing and incoming data rate of the eth0 interface.
I tried mrtg for bandwidth, but the html results are hard to comprehend.
Am i after the right parameters? or did I miss any parameters to measure the performance of a protocol?
Last edited by Smooth; 06-25-2004 at 04:09 AM.