proftpd stoped working after restart
I am currently running Redhat 9 with proftpd in standalone mode
Alright I had proftpd working for about a month or so and i hadnt restarted the linux box in that time. SO it was working fine but then today i restarted my server and now i get the error:
An error occuered reading the contents of this folder.
The FTP session was terminated
When i try the command ftp i get the error - 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
now when i nmap -sT -O i find that the port 21 is open for ftp.
when i type /root/proftpd-1.2.9/proftpd -c /etc/proftpd.conf i get the error
- Fatal: <Directory>: <Directory>: <Directory> section already configured for '/'
Now im not even sure if the server is running. if i am starting the server inccorectly could someone give me the correct way to start the server. I really have no idea what the porblem was.
The other problem i was having is that i am running a socks server but randomly it shuts off. The server is not restarted ever but about everyday it randomly turns off and i have to restart it by typing servicve ss5 start. Can someone please tell me how to keep it running constanly.
Thanks for all the help it is very appreciated.