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Old 01-06-2002, 11:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 1

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Question Problem with PPP connection!

Hello folks,

Im having a problem connecting to the internet using RedHat 7.0 and Kppp.

I have configured everything using Kppp correctly (I think) including DNS addresses, etc... When I dial in using PAP authentication, the connection immediately terminates with a log message stating "Peer is not authorized to use the remote address" where the x's represent the dynamic IP address that my IP is trying to assign to my machine.

As far as hardware goes, Im using a Pentium 75, 32 meg RAM, and a Supra FaxModem 28.8 external modem connected via a 25 pin serial port (dev/ttyS1).

I can connect via a terminal window to a slip server (my ISP is the University of Minnesota) where the command "ppp" begins a ppp session. Typing ppp starts the "garbage" in the terminal window, then the connection drops.

This may help. In DOS, I connect to this ISP via a terminal to the slip server, type ppp, the hit Alt-p to start the ppp packet driver. Is their a similar way to do this in Linux? Thanks in advance for any help.


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