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Linux - Networking This forum is for any issue related to networks or networking.
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Old 09-10-2014, 06:54 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2014
Posts: 3

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Question policy routing with dinamically assigned ip address/default router with ppp

Hello all,
I have a system made with two network connection; eth1, that is a standard ethernet port, and a gprs modem. I use pppd to set up network link with the modem. I need to mirror some messages on both network link; the same message needs to be sent to the same server to different tcp port using both network link. After pppd has established connecction to the ISP I have two network card: eth1 and ppp0; I need to send the same message to the server using once the eth1 link and once the ppp0 link. The remote server has a public internet address. Suppose that I must send "1234" to port 10000 of the server using eth1 and to port 10001 of the same server using ppp0; I trued to setup a policy routing marking the packets whose destination port is 10001 and building a specific routing table with iproute2 suite. My problem is that the ppp link ha dynamically assigned ip address and default routing over the 3G link and I'm not able to manage that situation with iproute2. Moreover the ppp link has to be configured "on demand" so it is not always up (and present on the system). Can anyoune give me an help ?
Thanking you in advance



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