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Old 02-28-2014, 10:36 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2014
Posts: 7

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Pls someone with vast knowledge of Linux mail server (Sendmail) should assist me on .

Pls someone with vast knowledge of Linux mail server (Sendmail) should assist me on this.

There is an office that has a webmail hosting with a company but they also have a mailserver (sendmail on fedora) within their office that downloads thier mails to respective users mailbox on the mailserver and user mails are downloaded to their respective PCs via Outlook.

Now, they hired a new staff and needed to be created a mail. I have created a mail for the user on the webhosting side and i have also created the user on the Linux mail server with the same id used for the email addy created on the webhosing.

I setup the user email account on oulook and send a mail to a co-staff, the message delivered and replied the message from the other side and the reply came to his outlook. i sent a mail from his outlook to my yahoo account and it delievered but my reply from yahoo didn't showup in his outlook but when i logged on to his webmail hosting account, the yahoo response was there. so it means that the mail server didn't download the mail from the webmail account, Do i need to add the user on sendmail? if yes where? and fetchmail and dovecot runs on d system, but during bootup fetchmail usually show with this error Global /user configuration failed but other staffs get mails sent to them from external domain.

So what do i need to do so that the mail server can pull the mails on the webmail account .

Old 02-28-2014, 11:28 AM   #2
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