Pleased to meet you......
Hi everyone
I'm Pete.
Thirty years in the Industry this year. I hate Gates and what his marketing machine has done to turn an enjoyable career into a living hell...
My objective is to be able to offer my clients a stable alternative platform to Microsoft, and a viable migration path from Windows / Netware networking. So...What I'm going to be asking your help with over time is:
1. Replication: the 100% Microsoft-free LAN and WAN
2. Integration: parallel running to prove to terrified FDs that , YES there is an alternative, and YES, it is cheaper, and YES it is more stable....
3. Migration: the heart transplant: moving mission critical systems and data to Linux
4: Alternatives: the biggest objection that any MD/FD has to migration is the lack of financial systems software to run natively under Linux....
So if anyone can recommend any comprehensive fastrack sources/howtos in any of these areas etc I'd be grateful.
Nice to meet you