Here's my smb.conf file:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = slackbox
bind interfaces only = True
interfaces = eth0
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
debug level = 1
create mask = 0644
directory mask = 0755
guest account = guest
security = user
path = /usr/movies
comment = movies
valid users = gsgleaso, guest
root directory = /usr/movies
admin users = gsgleaso
browsable = Yes
guest ok = yes
read only = no
My goal is to force users to login with the guest username and password, which i created with the slackware adduser command, and also added with smbpasswd -a guest, and i gave it the same password for the linux user and the samba user.
additionally, I only want write access with a login that only I know, gsgleaso. I created the linux user and samba user similarly.
My issue is that when I access the share from my winxp box, it prompts me fore username and password, but it will not work, saying it's not accessible and that I may not have the appropriate permissions.
help! If this is totally wrong for my goal, please advise.
[EDIT] okay this is weird. if, from windows, I hit start, run, and type \\<ip address of server>\movies then it seems to work.
if i type \\<netbios name of server>\movies then it doesn't work. any thoughts?