current setup pfsense configured like below
ISP-->FibreCable-->RJ45 Fiber Optic Media-->pfsense box
pfsense box is having 2 nic one WAN and other LAN
so everything is running fine.
Now i have got one Broadband connection for which ISP provided Router(Zyxel P-660HN-T1A) with 1 static IP configured.
System Mode=Routing
So the real question is how do i configure this Broadband connection on pfsense ? Since I am going to diconnect my FibreOptic connection
What i have tried till now?
got the manual of router. gone through it
changed System Mode=Bridge Mode and configured the IP on pfsense box(wan NIC) after this i though it will start working...but it didn,t
What more i have to do to get it working?
gone through one of this link