Hello all, here's a question from an EXTREME novice in apache/webserving, this is my 1st attempt at apache-so I'm sure I'm messing up somewhere.....
I'm trying to use Matt's textcounter perl script (a widely used perl program at
http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts) working on my Redhat 7.1 box using apache .1.3.22. Anyway, it basically has 2 configurations, the data dir (which needs to be chmod'd to 777 or 666). However, eventhough I chmod the data dir to 777 OR 666-I have to chmod the cgi-bin (my root script dir) to 777 in order to get the counter to work properly. Once the data file for the page is made in the 'data' dir-I can chmod the cgi-bin dir back to 755-and the counter still works...
Basically-I don't think I have my httpd.conf file right-because chmod'ding to 777 is EXTREMELY dangerous from what I understand. Any ideas? I can provide my <Directory> directives from httpd.conf if needed...