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Old 03-29-2003, 03:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
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PCMCIA/Network Issues after Suspend

I am using RedHat 8.0 on an IBM Thinkpad 390E with a 3Com 3CCFE575BT PCMCIA network card. The network initializes properly upon bootup (despite the fact that Linux tries to start the network before starting the PCMCIA bus). However, when I suspend the laptop and later resume, the network fails to reinitialize. This laptop DOES have the buggy BIOS problem with the PCMCIA bus, so I always stop the network and PCMCIA services before suspending. However, when I resume, I succesfully start the PCMCIA services, but I can't seem to restart the network. When I try "/etc/init.d/network start" or "ifup eth0", I get the error:

"3c59x device does not seem to be present, delaying eth0 initialization"

I tried ejecting the PCMCIA card and re-inserting it, but that did not work. Note: The laptop beeps when I eject the card, but it does not beep at all when I insert it. Next, I tried "insmod 3c59x" and I get the error:

Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/drivers/net/3c59x.o
/lib/modules/2.4.18-14/kernel/drivers/net/3c59x.o: init_module: No such device
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg

I didn't notice anything in particular about the 3c59x module in the syslog or dmesg files, but I have to admit I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for. This one shouldn't be too bad since the network card works upon booting, but fails after resuming from a suspend. What I need help with is finding out how Linux loads the 3c59x module upon booting so that I can use the same method to load that module after I resume. If anyone has had a similar problem or thinks that they can help me, I would appreciate any suggestions.



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