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Old 10-23-2005, 08:59 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
Location: Tromsų, Norway
Posts: 3

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parse error in config for xsupplicant


I've spent the last hours trying to get xsupplicant to work on my computer. I am trying to access my university account to the internet.

Finally I think I've gotten things quite close to work, but I get this message when I try to run xsupplicant:

sentinel@sentinel:~$ sudo xsupplicant -i eth0 -c /home/sentinel/xsupplicantmini.conf -f
Error in (null), at line 8:
syntax error:

startup_command = <BEGIN_COMMAND>ifconfig eth0 allmulti
^ (the marker is supposed to be under the = sign, but the formatting gets screwed up here)

General Parse error!
There was a problem with the config file. We cannot continue.

Here is my .conf file. Its a miniversion of the original one, just with the options needed to access our network:


network_list = all
default_netname = default

startup_command = <BEGIN_COMMAND>ifconfig eth0 allmulti up<END_COMMAND>
first_auth_command = <BEGIN_COMMAND>dhcpcd -n<END_COMMAND>
reauth_command = <BEGIN_COMMAND>dhcpcd -n<END_COMMAND>

logfile = /var/log/xsupplicant.log

deny_interfaces = lo



type = wired
allow_types = all
identity = <BEGIN_ID>(my mail)<END_ID>

eap-peap {
root_cert = /etc/1x/cert/demoCA/cacert.pem
root_dir = /etc/1x/cert/demoCA
chunk_size = 1398
random_file = /etc/1x/cert/random
session_resume = yes
allow_types = all # where all = MSCHAPv2, MD5, OTP, GTC, SIM

eap-mschapv2 {
username = <BEGIN_UNAME>(my username)<END_UNAME>
password = <BEGIN_PASS> (my passwd)<END_PASS>

I don't understand why it stops there... Anyone who know why? I am using ubuntu linux, and I've just recovered it from a minor (self induced) loss of libraries, so it mitght be something wrong with some external library used to interpret scripts or something... I'm quite fresh to linux, so I have some trouble understanding whats going on here.


Last edited by switchflux; 10-23-2005 at 09:00 PM.


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