I've used paralyze (look at
But I must say that it didn't worked as well as I would have like. I didn't performed to fill my 100FD link. As a matter of fact I wanted to test QoS, and so, what I finally did was :
1/ Use a filter so as to limit the throughput of my NIC (I limitated it to 1Mo/s so as to simulate my WAN interface)
2/ Ran paralyze in a loop (while true ; do paralyze (options that I don't remember) & ; done) ; and moreover I ran this loop in 6 different consoles.
I just said I wasn't so satisfacted, since runing such a program once should have been enough : I just don't understand why I needed to have it run uncountable times so as to be efficient.
So if someone's got an explanation or another tool to suggest, I'll take it to !