Onboard NIC with RH7.1
I have a Dell Optiplex GXL5100 with a onboard NIC; 3Com 3C913 and I can't get it work properly.
I can bring it up with ifconfig but it's acting like dead anyway. I will have it get an IP from our DHCP, but so far I have failed. Even if I give it a static IP it won't communicate on my LAN.
And to complicate things some more; when I run the installation from NFS everything works fine!
I've tryed dhcpd -i eth0, but the -i option seems not to be a option in Red Hat 7.1...
> dhcpd -i eth0
Usage: dhcpd [-p <UDP port #>] [-d] [-f] [-cf config-file]
[-lf lease-file] [-pf pidfile] [if0 [...ifN]]
Anyone who can tell me how to get this right?