for reasons I have not divined, am unable to setup ntp where ntpd actually works in RH_7.3. It is working fine in SuSE 8.1 and 8.2 according to ntptrace.
In step to simplify, set the drift and keys files to RFC 1305 rather than RH standards (/etc/ntp.drift and /etc/ntp.keys. /etc/ntp.conf on the RH7.3 machine is identical to the one on the working suSE machine. files saved.
Hardware clock set to within 2 seconds of the SuSE machine entrained to a Stratum 1. PING successful to the time server. xntp service stopped and restarted manually.
ntptrace shows no sync to external, using internal time clock.
I need the time sync in order to run LDAP Directory server and a cluster.
something appears to be different in RH vs SuSE. Will send config files to anyone who wants to respond.